

Start a blog and the world could be your oyster. Literally.
Today I received these divine pearl earrings from the very lovely and generously thoughtful Rachel.
All the way from the United States. So so so kind of you Rachel.
And a sweet handmade purse with a piece of glass from the sea.
Thank you. From the bottom of my pearl loving heart. x


  1. you are a lucky star!!
    hope you make a photo wearing those wonderful pearls.
    mermaid jewelry ...sigh

  2. Oh my God, this is a perfect dream, so gorgeous! Yes, Rachel is very lovely and generously thoughtful, wow. What a boon...

  3. beautiful earrings!!! the little handmade pouch is sweet and I love the idea of a piece of beach glass traversing the globe from one place to another.

  4. Yippeeeee! I am so happy to see they arrived safely! Your photos are so pretty and really have the same feeling as the earrings, very nostalgic.
    It warms my heart that you love them so much and they found the home they deserve. I was giddy to see this post. I love the idea of finding treasures like this and hosting giveaways. Hmmmm, maybe I will do this more often. Love.

  5. indeed, all these friendships made and exchanges that happen through this virtual world.
    i love it.


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