

Gigi drew this. I love it.
Such an original depiction of Alice in Wonderland.
Not bad for a 12 year old...


  1. Dearest flowers; Not bad ??? I'm in awe; believe me I thought it was your work until I read your words.

    Gigi, this is for you: Your ballet, your beauty and your skills make me want to be 12 again. And to be you! Take care of all your gifts, promise me!

  2. Dearest Lilli, I am in awe too, it is constant wonderland living with her.
    I will pass on your kind words. x

  3. hey, lilli,
    thankyou so much for your lovely words, but trust me you do not want to be 12 again! pinky swear...
    xx gigi

  4. Hey Gigi; hope you know that your mother is making plans for you :) Maybe you're right; being 12 sure isn't easy, but then - it's once in a lifetime. Try to enjoy it as much as you can, it's not always easy being 40 either... xox


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