
time 4

I painted this photo of gigi when she was 2 years old.
And I just found this photo that my mother's father painted of her.
Look at their eyes.


  1. Gigi's photo has a lovely sweetness to it, your mother's a beautiful intensity. Their eyes are very knowing.

  2. So enchanting .. both so pretty and sweet looking.

  3. beauties.
    and what a serious, deep gaze your mother has.

    happy news about your online shop, i enjoy to look at your workspace with all the colors and the leaves outside the window!

    i started dancing in sweden when i was around 5 i think. with those childrens classes, doing the butterfly and such...and later it turned into ballet classes, followed by modern and african, jazz, haitian, tap, hip hop etc etc. after tasting plenty of things from the buffé i narrowed down the options again and mainly did classical and modern.
    does gigi dance other things next to her ballet?

  4. guten tag dear jasmin, these photos are VERY touching. there eyes and of course YOUR eyes. now i'm curious how your grandmother looks...
    she must be very beautiful too.
    love your room with all those things/paintings, cross my fingers for your shop.
    xx julia

  5. Rachel, Emma, Sara, Julia.
    We've got the U.S, Australia, Sweden/Israel, Germany covered - what other countries can we cover here?

    Sara - i started at 5 too - same styles as you - i should have been pushed more at ballet, which i still do, and have always felt right at home doing (alvin ailey style) jazz. gigi also does contemporary but i thought it was best for her to concentrate on classical (from age 2 in nappies!) get her technique, the other styles will come soon enough wont they? xx

  6. Arianne.... I deleted your comment by mistake.....

  7. Doesn't matter, here it comes again:
    For me the eyes of 2 years old Gigi are similar to the eyes of your mom - and wonderful yours. And: Am I right in thinking that the sadness go away from generation to generation...?

  8. Dearest; I have looked at these photographs so many times now, without being able to utter a single ord. Last night had some strange dream where they appeared... yes, the yes, and especially Gigi's. I have a couple of photographs here of my son's grandparents, it's a lot of likeness between the grandmother's. They are haunting in a way, I wonder why.

  9. Oh Ariane - thanks for revisiting - and yes you may be right.

    Lilli! what if they are all related? what if the grandparents are siblings? imagine. i want it to be true.

  10. wow, that's an early start!
    i am sure she will find her way, to the techniques she likes...
    do you still dance at times? take classes?


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