
wings, leaves and an apple

All found on my desk this morning.


  1. Wow...the fairies have been busy!

    *heart* the apple...and your leaves and wingds are something I would treasure too.


  2. I'm abuzz with your founds, dear Jasmin...these wings very similar to the leaves...the doily! The different materials of nature - and then the stamps! You know that I love stamps - especially with postmark!
    x Ariane.

  3. Ooooh....
    Love the wings (just beautiful!) and the leaves.
    The white, the brown, the lines, just the whole post!

    P.S and yes, our house

  4. i love all this this texture and your collections, so interesting.

  5. i like your fingers. i always have the feeling they are telling me a story.

  6. Thank you all for visiting.
    Your welcome comments find themselves on my desk too.

    They are cicada wings and the leaves were collected on the walk to the beach. The doily and apple recent op shop finds.

    I have a huge collection of stamps - from my childhood too - i have doubles if anyone wants to swap..... Ariane.....?

    Char - so nice to see you back here again.
    Patrice - you too seem to be surrounded by beauty.
    Rachel - how is New Orleans treating you?
    And Sara - I had a conversation yesterday about ballet and hands/fingers - if you get your arms/hands/fingers right - then everything else looks doubly better....

  7. Oh yes, please... Jasmin, that would be wonderful...stamps! Please send me your Email-adress at "blog@ariane-reichardt.de" so I can give you my adress.
    x Ariane
    PS: see you tomorrow with *patchwork*


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