

Still pretending that the Melbourne I could see from the hotel window was Paris, I wished upon this moon that rose at sunset. 
And when I woke up these hot air balloons drifted by. 
Like big peaceful hearts in the sky.
I hope my wish comes true.



In Melbourne, you can pretend you are in Europe, and sometimes even New York...

(I have not had proper access to the internet for a week. It's been tough and I have missed you xx)



From the bush to the city. 
Melbourne. Always nice to visit her.
As we try to map out our lives this week.
Follow our dreams.
In all sorts of directions.
(For other 'maps' please visit the well traveled Rachel)


bush tucker

"Mama, you should put videos on your blog."

hmmmmm. this might be fun.


I am already missing you Summer.

(Every morning I wake up to the sweetest comments from different parts of the world. It is such a lovely, soft way to start the day... thank you so much to those that come by and leave me your thoughts)



Time in the bush. Time by the sea.
We have come back exhausted.
Fresh, clean sheets await. After a long hot shower.
Speak soon...



This week the drawing challenge is hosted by the reflective Ariane.......
Narcissus, from Greek mythology, fell in love with his own reflection in a river.
I think that there is a little narcissism in us all. No?
(i will be going bush for a few days. to find some rivers. see you soon. xx) 


I moved my desk to another wall.
Change is good.


tutu 2

I have been doing the art work for a new ballet school. 
It is so interesting (and exciting) to see what a graphic designer can do with your drawings.
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