
time 9

I met up with my childhood friend. Tracy.
She found me here on this blog even though she only lives up the hill from me.
It was lovely, after many many years of not knowing each other.
We have a shared history that you can only have with somebody you have known as a child and as a teenager.
Particularly because we are both only children.
Thank you for the tea and spice cake and for remembering stuff about me.

(on the subject of time passing i have added a picture to this recent post)


  1. that picture at metamorphose
    is sooooo beautiful!

    I do not have friends from my childhood
    just from my teens
    one I know since I was 15
    an other from when we both were 17
    that last one is also an interior-designer
    a better one than me ;))
    we do not see each other often
    within two weeks she will come over
    I am looking forward
    because I agree with you
    it is great to have a shared history


  2. what a great story. happy reunions are the best and don't happen that often. good for the two of you!


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